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Close up of a woman's dental surgeryAt Elite Dental Group, we welcome new patients to experience a new level of comfort in dental care. Whether you need a simple cleaning or cosmetic dentistry near Miami, our family dentistry practice offers the cutting edge treatments you need. You can make your first visit even more pleasant with a little preparation beforehand.

Start by visiting our website and printing out the new patient forms, which are available in English and Spanish. Complete them before your visit for faster check-in. Be sure to ask about our payment options, including our insurance partners and installment payment plans. Register for our email list for special offers and discounts.

When you arrive at your appointment, our patient coordinator and dental assistant will meet you. Our hygienist will complete your dental cleaning before the dentist consults with you about your care options. You will have an opportunity to ask all of your questions about dental implants, sedation dentistry, teeth whitening, crowns, and other dental treatments, and to schedule a follow-up visit with a dentist for any special care you need.

Schedule an Appointment Today